UC Billing & Enhance Reporting evolving with the industry changes and our customers are successfully using the system in the key areas of telecoms management, cost control and cost recovery. Integral tools for the telecommunications manager include:

  • Multi-site PBX CDR collection, processing and reporting
  • Telecommunications usage reporting and management across the enterprise
  • Cost-centre reporting and charge-back
  • Automated reporting and back-of-house integration
  • Nuisance call tracing
  • Security and Compliance – The solution helps company from variety of internal and external security threats by monitoring on the call volume and/or frequent fraud destination countries.

Cradle to Grave report – We understand that there are a lot of different reporting options for you to choose. However, one of the most unique aspects of our provided report solution Cradle to Grave program and Call Detailed View that allows for a greater in depth look into your reports. These programs allow you to view every detail about each call in a chronological order. The layout can be customized to fit your company’s needs and you can filter the data to only show the specific calls you are looking for. You can use Cradle to Grave or Call Detailed View to verify our reports to ensure their accuracy. You can also use these programs to troubleshoot the phone system to ensure calls are being routed to the appropriate destination.